Jason Cunningham and Dr. Teresa Thomas met and bumped heads with each other when family friends, Joshua and Alexandra’s relationship was falling apart. They became attracted to each other and started hooking up while their families were going through a family crisis. Jason, an architect, and real-estate developer is quite the player and Teresa who is an OBGYN who specialize in serious pregnancies is licensed to practice in four states along with running her private practice with a business partner. Having a demanding career never left Teresa time for relationships, so she only casually dated. They spend all their time together and Jason feels they are getting close when Teresa insists, they are only hooking up. Jason realizes he wants a committed relationship with her. While Teresa makes it clear they are only hooking up with each other because of what they are going through with their families and she does not want to be in a committed relationship with him. Determine to keep their status that way. Teresa plays games and dodges her feelings for him, while Jason has decided she is the one.
Former women from Jason’s past keep popping up while they are together, and it only convinces Teresa even more they should only be hooking up with each other. Even though she continues to say they are not in a genuine relationship, but her actions show she is. Jason ignores what she keeps stating about their relationship. Which leads Teresa to taking drastic matters into her hands. Someone from the past and someone in the present in their lives causes problems and when they try to get rid of Teresa permanently it changes their relationship. Everything falls apart and if the family do not save her. Jason might lose the one woman he has fallen in love with before he can convince her they belong together. A roller coaster of a ride in Memphis, New York, and Paris has Jason and Teresa fighting for her life and their relationship. Jason finally puts his foot down about their status, but Teresa still will not accept it. She only wants a carefree relationship when he wants more. Will she give in or leave him alone for good?
“Where is she?” Jason Cunningham has asks himself that question for the last few weeks as his narrow eyes stares out of his loft window on a Saturday afternoon in the SoHo district in New York, New York. It is a cold snowy day in January, and three weeks after his cousin Alexandra Cunningham-Walker married Joshua Walker. Even after everything they had gone through to be with each other their wedding on New Year’s Eve was a beautiful wedding held at the Rainbow Room. They had gotten married earlier at the courthouse, so their official wedding day was New Year’s Eve night with their families and all their friends.
Jason, who is thirty-seven years old stands at six feet three in height with caramel skin color. He has the same grey eyes as his cousin Alexandra has and a bald head with a moustache and goatee. The architect and real estate developer is not thinking about the wedding but thinking about Dr. Teresa Thomas. Teresa is James’s sister who he met in Memphis, Tennessee when Alexandra had a miscarriage, and they did not think she was going to make it. Not only did he meet Teresa, but he met his now extended family of the St. John’s, Phillips, Thomas, and the Walker’s. He has become one of their adopted sons and now his brothers are Matthew, Michael, James, and Joshua.
All the guys are married and have gone through hell and back to get with their wives. It is something about this family, they always have drama. The women disappear, and the men usually have something to happen to them to affect their businesses.
He fell for Teresa hard, and everything was going well until someone he knew before he met her dropped a bomb at a restaurant where they all were there celebrating Joshua not going to jail for security fraud. An acquaintance of his who he was not serious about walked into the restaurant and told him she was pregnant by him in front of Teresa.
Teresa ran out of the restaurant and disappeared after she heard her tell Jason the news of her pregnancy. She did not come back around until the wedding, and she brought a date with her. At the wedding she would not talk to him and after the wedding he was calling her nonstop for the past couple of weeks, but she did not answer any of his calls. Jason, sips on a cup of coffee comes out of his trance when he hears someone knocking at his loft door. When he opens the door, there stands his best friend, who he has known all his life and his company attorney, Phillip Huntington III. Phillip strolls in rubbing his eyes and yawning at the same time. Jason knows he is tired, but it is not from working hard since both are straight up players. He probably has been out all-night partying.
“Man, where the hell have you been? You missed a party last night that was off the chain. It was so many fine women there I did not know who to pick.”
Jason fakes a smile. “At home.”
Phillip stops in the middle of his tracks to look him up and down. “What the hell is going on with you? I have not seen you at one party lately…I know you are not working so hard you can’t party.”
Jason, who has bags under his eyes, because he has been working hard but mostly. He is tired from not getting any rest because he has not talked to Teresa decides to explain to him what has been happening. “You remember when Alexandra had an emergency in Memphis, and she had a miscarriage which developed into an infection, and I thought I was going to lose her.”
Phillip stands at the same height as his friend of six-three, mocha skin color, black hair, and black eyes with a shadow of a beard. “Yeah, but she made it, and we were at her wedding…so what’s got you so down?”
Jason goes back to his loft window on the twelfth floor in the Singer Building to look out at the New York skyline and then turns around to tell his friend everything that happened while he was in Memphis. “So…when I first went to Memphis to the hospital Alexandra was in. I bumped heads with this cute petite doctor who I thought she was Alex’s doctor, but she was James’s sister. Even though she is an OBGYN she is considered as family so she cannot be Alex doctor. We got off on a rocky start because she has a mouth out of this world, but we became close when everything started happening when Alexandra almost died from the infection and Joshua was charged with security fraud. Then Alexandra disappeared from the hospital and the family all came together to come back to New York to support Joshua and to tell him Alexandra had disappeared.”
Phillip finally takes off his coat to stare at Jason with wide eyes and twist his mouth with a smirk. “I remember you telling me about all that was going on.”
Jason creases his brows as he takes two of his fingers to rub at his temple. “She stayed with me for several months here at my loft when we all came back to New York. I thought we were just hooking up. Man…you know me I do not bring women here to my space because I need my privacy so there is no way I would have a woman here as a hook up. This is when things start to get complicated because I thought that was what we were doing in the beginning just hooking up until I started have feelings for her and she stayed with me the entire time everyone was here.”
Phillip raises an eyebrow, interrupts him before he continues. “Please do not tell me you have serious feelings for this woman and now you are ready to settle down because you never bring women to your loft. Let along have someone stay here with you.”
Jason continues. “Here is where everything really went to the left. Someone I had met and was messing around with before going to Memphis dropped the bomb in front of her at a restaurant, we all were at that she was pregnant by me. Teresa ran out of the restaurant and disappeared, brought another man to Alex’s wedding, and would not let me explain to her what really happened. I have been calling, texting, and emailing her for the last three weeks and she still will not talk to me.”
Phillip, who is now lying on one of Jason’s couches because all of this was too much, now raises up with his mouth wide open. “You got some woman pregnant?”
Jason sits on the other couch, looks down at his shoes before he looks back up to stare him in the eyes. “No, she was trying to get back at me because I stopped messing around with her after I met Teresa. The first night when we all came back to New York all of us except the parents went out to dinner. Before I left for Memphis, I had gone out on two dates with her and we were supposed to go out for another date, but I got the call to go to Memphis. She saw us that night at the restaurant together and walked up and kissed me in front of Teresa. So, when she saw us together again at the same restaurant. She figured we must be serious about each other and that is when she said she was pregnant in front of Teresa to get back at me.”
Phillip rolls his eyes upward to the ceiling not believing all this has been going on. “Damn…you got some shit going on. The question is, do you have serious feelings for Teresa?”
“Phil…I want to say no, but I must face I do. I just cannot get her to talk to me so I can tell her the woman is not pregnant, and it is only her I want. Teresa is stubborn as hell and once she has made her mind up, she will not change it. She lives in her own world and does exactly what she wants to do.”
“Have you talked to her brother James or any of the other guys you were telling me about? Since you are now part of their extended family and one of their brothers, maybe they can help you out.” Phillip now gets up off the couch to go into the kitchen to get him something to drink.
Jason follows him with a slight smile on his face. “No, I have not. You know you might have something there. It might not be a bad idea to reach out to James. I know he will understand. Not one of them is with their wives and did not go through something to get with them. It is the family joke…all the women disappear, and all the men must go through hell before they can get them to say I do.”
Phillip grabs a juice and goes back into Jason’s living room to get his coat to put back on to leave. “Well…I’m going home to get some sleep before I go to this party tonight. I am going to assume you will not be attending since you have relationship issues going on. Call your boys to get them to help you out so you can talk to Teresa. I’m out…I will talk to you later.”
Jason picks up his cell phone after Phillip leaves to call James. “Hey man.”
James answers his cell phone in his car while driving home because he has been in his office working all day. “What’s up…please do not tell me you will not make it to the Super Bowl. You know we have had this planned forever I hope your work schedule will not interfere?”
Jason is back at his window looking out grit his teeth. “No, I will be there…I cannot wait to get out of New York because you know it is cold and snowing here, so I cannot wait to be in Phoenix in some nice weather. I was calling because…have you talked to her? “
“Talk to who?”
Jason presses his lips together then pauses for a second. “You know who…have you talk to your sister?”
James laughs. “No, I have not talked to that nut…and we told you to go on and face your feelings for her. Now you got to go through hoops to get her back, which going to be hard as hell because I told you. Teresa is crazy.”
Jason smiles. “Man…she will not answer the phone or return a text or email. James, you know her better than anyone. Do you think she will ever talk to me again? She will not even give me a chance to explain to her what happened. I am about to lose my mind not talking to her and not seeing her. I did not realize how much I could miss one woman, and I had to pick someone who is stone crazy.”
James chuckles as he turns into his garage at his home as he parks his car and turns it off to talk. “Teresa lives in her own world and has always done what she wants when she wants to. But I will tell you this for her to be so angry and will not talk to you. She must really care about you because if you were someone she was playing around with. She would keep playing with you regardless of what happened with the girl in New York. You are just going to have to catch her somewhere to make her listen to you.”
Jason smiles because his comments give him some hope that they can work things out. “Do you think she is going to join the family out in Phoenix for the Super Bowl since everyone is going to be there?’
“Honestly, I don’t know. Let me make some calls to see if anyone else knows if she is going. You know what? Instead of me making calls you need to call my dad. He would know if she was going to go and if she is not, he can talk her into it. Why don’t you call him and let him know you are still trying to talk to his daughter?” James gets out of his car to go into his house.
“Okay, I’ll call him right now…later.”
Jason hangs up and dials Charlie Thomas’ phone number right away. “Hey Uncle Charlie…do you have a minute to talk?”
Charlie smiles because he has been waiting for this call to find out what has been going on with Jason and his daughter. “Hey Jason…what’s going on? Have you and my daughter worked everything out?”
Jason’s droopy body drops his head from him asking him that question because he knows now, he has not talked to Teresa either. “No, I have not heard from her. I have been calling, emailing, and texting her for the last three weeks and she will not respond. I was calling to see if she was going to join the family in Phoenix for the Super Bowl.”
Charlie knows when he finishes talking to Jason. He will have to call Mike Sr. and Matt Sr. who are the brains behind getting all their children together. “I don’t know if she is joining us. I have not heard from Teresa either. Son…would you like for her to be there?”
“Yes.” Jason closes his eyes because he is exhausted from his heavy work schedule and everything going on in his personal life. He does not know how much more he can take. “I need to tell her Jasmine is not pregnant, and she was only trying to get back at me because she figured I was serious about Teresa. Uncle Charlie, I must explain to her what really happened, so she will know I do not talk to or see Jasmine and there is nothing going on between us.”
“Okay. Let me try to track her down. You just make sure your schedule does not interfere with you making it because this might be the only chance you have to talk to her and straighten out this mess. Jason…I want you to be honest with her and knowing Teresa you are going to have to make her listen to you. But I will make sure she will be there.”
Jason grins from ear to ear for the first time in the past several weeks. “Thanks Uncle Charlie. I will be there, and I have cleared my schedule to make sure nothing comes up to keep me from making it. I promise I am going to tell her everything.”